Company Registration:

Ampcom Services Pty. Ltd. is a registered company under the Corporations Act 2001 and is taken to be registered in New South Wales (Australia).

The company is limited by shares.

The company is a proprietary company.

ABN: 13107160761

ACN: 107160761

  Public Liability: 

Ampcom has Broadform Liability (Public & Product) Insurance for $20,000,000 by NRMA Insurance.

If you engage our services we can supply you with a copy of our current Certificate of Currency if required. 

  Workers Compensation:

Ampcom’s Workers Compensation insurance is with CGU Workers Compensation (NSW) Limited.

If you engage our services we can supply you with a copy of our current Certificate of Currency if required. 

  Rubiks Cube Image Authorisation:

Ampcom Services Pty. Ltd. has formal authorisation issued by Seven Towns Ltd. to use the Rubik’s cube image.

Seven Towns Ltd owns all the international rights in the RUBIK trademarks and in the overall image of the RUBIK’S CUBE®. 

The copyright belongs to Ernő Rubik, the originator of RUBIK’S CUBE® who has given Seven Towns Ltd full and exclusive authority to license and administer his rights, and to pursue by whatever legal means necessary any infringement of such rights. 

You must contact Seven Towns Ltd. for permission prior to any use of any of Rubik’s intellectual property.

Agreement No: 130524 Aus Ampcom